SHAPE 1 AFRICA - Burkina Faso Well Program

SHAPE 1 AFRICA visited the rural village of Colma in the community of Bama, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso in March of 2010. This music video depicts the daily livestyle of these villagers.

Original Music by TRAORE, Lymany Faké
© S1A 2011

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New Beginnings: Using Humanitarian Media to Change the World

Listed as 4th to last on the Human Development Index
Burkina Faso 2009.
A new direction for the S1A humanitarian association...
S1A aspires to excell in the domain of Humanitarian documentaries and reporting.  Increased media exposure for "under reported" humanitarian crises 
in Sub-Sahara Africa will inevitably result in more popularized support for humanitarian actions/aid in these regions. Or will it? New forms of popularized media outlets create new opportunities to spread the urgent message that humanitarian aid is gravely needed in some of the
poorest countries in the world; specifically those in Sub-Sahara Africa.

The presence of nearly extinct maladies such as Noma, is unacceptable and should be abolished from existence.
The primary problems are rooted in the availabilty of proper education and access to modern medicine. In countries
such as Burkina Faso, children suffer today, in the year of 2011, from this horocious malady sometimes refered to as
as a gangrenous flesh consuming cancer. In most developed countries, Noma has been driven to virtual non-existence since the early 19th century.
Yet why is that it exists today in Burkina Faso?

Approximately one quarter of all Burkina Faso's population have witnessed a friend or relative who has been affected by this malady.
You may ask the question, "Is that a very important amount of people?" Then ask yourself this question, 'Have you ever
seen what the malady Noma looks like?'

If you have ever seen the atrocities that Noma causes you would be astonished to know that at least one quarter of Burkina Faso's population
has seen or knows someone who has been attacked by the Noma malady. And just to reiterate the seriousness of this malady, let me remind you; If
you ever see a serious case of Noma, YOU WILL NEVER FORGET IT.

These children need our help, the world's help. How can we accomplish this objective?
News media is the primary spark allowing us to ignite a wave of recognition for this problem. However, there is something about this disease that makes it a very sensitive topic; A quality that incites a certain tabu. The Noma malady is so horrific that most media producers do not even want to come
near it in their diffusions. It's just too horrific! The image of Noma could be "bad for business"; so why not focus on the message instead?
This is how the world's media hides the atrocities that exist in the world; they simple neglect diffusing it. Some of the most urgent humanitarian crises never receive coverage ().
MSF has an annual publication that they call the most unsung humanitarian crises. This report documents what they claim to be the most serious humanitarian urgencies that remain "forgotten" since they do not receive significant media exposure; in comparison to other emergencies such as natural disasters i.e. Thailand (2004), New Orleans(2005), Haiti (2010
) and Japan(2011). These abrupt humanitarian urgencies incited waves of "emotional altruism". People are triggered to donate on impulse as they feel a wave of emotion urging them to help out in the best way they can; by making a donation. The key is getting people exposed to the targeted media and letting the humanitarian urgency speak for itself.

William Samuel Ravatua-Smith
Président et Fondateur

Websites and Description of Various Humanitarian Organizations

    Action Against Hunger (AAH)
    • Develops and runs emergency programs in nutrition, health, water and food security for countries in need. Also provides disaster preparedness programs with the goal of anticipating and preventing humanitarian crises.
    • CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organizations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. Founded in 1945 to provide relief to survivors of World War II, CARE quickly became a trusted vehicle for the compassion and generosity of millions.
    Caritas Internationalis
    • Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories.
    Catholic Relief Services (CRS - USCC)
    • Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside the country. Working through local offices and an extensive network of partners, CRS operates on 5 continents and in over 90 countries. They aid the poor by first providing direct assistance where needed, then encouraging these people to help with their own development. Together, this fosters secure, productive, just communities that enable people to realize their potential.
    Doctors Without Borders
    • Doctors Without Borders delivers medical help to populations endangered by war, civil strife, epidemics or natural disasters. Each year over 2,000 volunteer doctors representing 45 nationalities work worldwide in front-line hospitals, refugee camps, disaster sites, towns and villages providing primary health care, performing surgery, vaccinating children, operating emergency nutrition and sanitation programs and training local medical staff.
    Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN)
    • Independently funded organization based in Dublin, Ireland UK. Works to improve the effectiveness of emergency food and nutrition interventions by providing a means of information exchange between field staff, humanitarian institutions, academics and researchers.
    Food For The Hungry International (FHI)
    • Food For The Hungry is an international relief and development organization of Christian motivation, committed to working with poor people to overcome hunger and poverty through integrated self-development and relief programs.
    Hunger Plus, Inc.
    • Not-for-profit relief agency that provides food and related supplies for emergency use. Partners with individuals, NGOs, government agencies, church and civic groups. Projects in self sufficiency focus on food preservation, agriculture, water, health, education, housing and technology.
    • InterAction is a coalition of over 150 US-based non-profit organizations which are usually the first to respond to a crisis. InterAction coordinates and promotes relief aid programs. With more than 160 members operating in every developing country, they work to overcome poverty, exclusion and suffering by advancing social justice and basic dignity for all.
    International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
    • The ICRC, independent of all governments and international organizations, endeavors to promote international humanitarian law and the fundamental human values underlying that law. The ICRC was founded by Geneva citizens in 1863 and has its headquarters in Geneva.
    International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
    • The IFRC is one part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which comprises National Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (the Federation), and the ICRC. The IFRC is the permanent liaison body of the National Societies and acts as their representative internationally. It organizes and coordinates international disaster response in support of the actions of the affected National Societies, encourages the creation of new National Societies and assists them in developing their structures and programs. The IFRC Secretariat in Geneva is staffed by more than 245 people of some 30 different nationalities.
    International Organization for Migration (IOM)
    • The IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. As an intergovernmental body, IOM acts with its partners in the international community to: Assist in meeting the operational challenges of migration; Advance understanding of migration issues; Encourage social and economic development through migration; Uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants.
    International Rescue Committee (IRC)
    • Founded in 1933, the International Rescue Committee is the voluntary organization involved in resettlement assistance, global emergency relief, rehabilitation, and advocacy for refugees. The IRC delivers lifesaving aid in emergencies, rebuilds shattered communities, cares for war-traumatized children, rehabilitates health care, water and sanitation systems, reunites separated families, restores lost livelihoods, establishes schools, trains teachers, strengthens the capacity of local organizations and supports civil society and good-governance initiatives. For refugees afforded sanctuary in the United States, IRC offices across the country provide a range of assistance aimed at helping new arrivals get settled, adjust and acquire the skills to become self-sufficient. Committed to restoring dignity and self-reliance, the IRC is a global symbol of hope and renewal for those who have taken flight in search of freedom.
    Lutheran World Federation
    • Specializing in emergency relief linked to disaster preparedness (risk management) and sustainable development.
    Mercy Corps (MC)
    • Nonprofit organization providing emergency relief and supporting development programs in agriculture, economic development, health, housing and infrastructure, and strengthening local organizations.
    • Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
    • Independent think-tank on international development and humanitarian issues.
    • Oxfam is a development and relief agency working to end poverty. Oxfam International is a confederation of 12 organizations working together with over 3,000 partners in more than 100 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice.
    Refugees International
    • Refugees International generates lifesaving humanitarian assistance and protection for displaced people around the world and works to end the conditions that create displacement. Refugees International advocates for refugees through diplomacy and the press.
    Relief International
    • Founded in 1990, Relief International provides emergency, rehabilitation and development services that empower beneficiaries in the process. RI’s programs include health, shelter construction, education, community development, agriculture, food, income-generation, and conflict resolution.
    Save the Children
    • Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating real and lasting change for children in need in the United States and around the world. It is a member of the International Save the Children Alliance, comprising 27 national Save the Children organizations working in more than 100 countries to ensure the well-being of children. Save the Children responds to any emergency that puts at great risk the survival, protection, and well-being of significant numbers of children, where addressing the needs and well-being of those children is beyond the indigenous coping capacity, and where Save the Children is able to mobilize the financial and human resources to take urgent action on their behalf.
    The Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
    • OFDA is the office within USAID responsible for providing non-food humanitarian assistance in response to international crises and disasters. Responsible for facilitating and coordinating U.S. Government emergency assistance overseas and to provide humanitarian assistance to save lives, alleviate human suffering, and reduce the social and economic impact of natural and man-made disasters worldwide.
    United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
    • While working to ensure the survival, protection and development of children and advocating a high priority for them in the allocation of resources at all times, UNICEF continues to give relief and rehabilitation assistance in emergencies. The agency was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965.
    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
    • The UNHCR provides protection and assistance to the world's refugees. Today, the UNHCR is one of the world's principal humanitarian agencies, with headquarters in Geneva, and offices in some 115 countries. More than 80 percent of UNHCR's 5,000-member staff work in the field, often in isolated, dangerous and difficult conditions. The UNHCR has twice been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its work.
    United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
    • OCHA is mandated to mobilize and coordinate the collective efforts of the international community, in particular those of the UN system, to meet in a coherent and timely manner the needs of those exposed to human suffering and material destruction in disasters and emergencies.
    US Committee for Refugees (USCR)
    • Provides aid and resources for refugees worldwide..
    World Vision International
    • World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty.
    • In addition to these resources, ReliefWeb ( provides a comprehensive Directory of Humanitarian Organisations.
Websites and Description of Various Humanitarian Organizations

Music: A Medium of Humanitarian Communication

The S1A association is using "Humanitarian Hip-Hop" music to send their messages. President William Samuel Ravatua-Smith says "Humanitarian Hip-Hop is a new genre of music. For years, rap and hip-hop artists have been sending tainted messages encouraging our worlds youth to become obsessed with superficial things such as nice cars, expensive clothes, jewelry and women. Today, these youth are blinded by this type of facade to a limit that they become ingorant to far more important issues such as world hunger and HIV/AIDS in Africa. I lived in Metro-Detroit Michigan for 10 years, that's where I started with hip-hop music. I always had the point of view that change was needed in the hip-hop world but it wasn't until I went to Africa and saw first-handed the struggles that exist that I became inspired to become fully invested in making this kind of music. I hope that it inspires younger generations to take part in important humanitarian actions. They should remember, we can change the world, they just have to believe."
Check out the new music video by WSRS below !

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